[ Report Writing Competition] Ms. Vani Gupta Report:



DATE: 2/06/2023


EXAMINEE NAME: Ankita Sharma



As per Mrs. Diya Bansal, W/o: Mr. Sanjay Bansal, the Suspected Vehicle owned by her was Exchanged with her family cousin, Mr. Karan Aggarwal in place of his vehicle. On 14/03/2023, Mr. Karan Aggarwal was driving the vehicle on his way back from Diya and Sanjay ’s flat to Bahalgarh, and the smoke started to come out from the Suspected Vehicles Bonnet. On noticing the smoke, Mr. Karan parked the Suspected Vehicle on the roadside and came out of it to check it and the Suspected Vehicle caught fire. So, he called the fire brigade and police. He also narrated the same Incident to Mr. Sanjay Bansal. 

Following are the details of the Crime Scene/Scene of Incident Investigation and Forensic Examination of Suspected Vehicle for Fire/Arson.

Date of Incidence: 14/03/2023

Date of crime scene Visit: 2/06/2023

Location: Bahalgarh    

Details of sample collected: 

S.No. Sample No. Description of Samples collected Sample Collected In Marked as
1. Sample No. 1 Debris of burnt/semi-burnt particles collected from the Engine Area of the suspected Vehicle. Air-tight Plastic Container S1
2. Sample No. 2 Debris of burnt/semi-burnt particles collected from the Driver and Co-driver compartment/area of the Suspected Vehicle. Air-tight Plastic Container S2
3. Sample No. 3 Debris of burnt/semi-burnt particles collected from the Driver and co-driver compartment of the Suspected Vehicle. Air-tight Plastic Container S3
4. Sample No. 4 Debris of burnt/semi-burnt particles collected from the passenger area and dicky compartment/area of the suspected Vehicle. Air-tight Plastic Container S4
5. Sample No. 5 Debris of burnt/semi-burnt particles collected from the passenger area and dicky compartment/area of the suspected Vehicle. Air-tight Plastic Container S5

 Principles of Examination: 

The Forensic Investigation and Examination of Fire and Arson cases deal with the Examination of the physical attributes of a fire scene along with the Identification and collection of physical Evidence from such Crime scenes. The Evidence collected are then Analyzed to determine if the cause of the fire was accidental or deliberate. 

The crucial aspects of forensic Investigation and Examination of fire and Arson cases include the determination of the source, point of origin, and cause of the fire. 

Examination Required: 

1. Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/Scene of Incident Investigation 

2. Suspected Vehicle and Crime/Scene of Incident Photography

3. Forensic Testing/ Gas Chromatography

Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/Scene of Incident Investigation Observation:

On Inspection and investigation of the Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/Scene of Incident, the following things were observed:

1. The Suspected Vehicle was in a burnt condition to a great extent. 

2. The front area, interior/seating area and the rear area of the suspected vehicle were all burnt and full of Debris. 

3. The Suspected Vehicle was full of Debris. Under debris, the Number plate of the suspected Vehicle was found that read HR10AT12XY.

4. The bonnet, seats, etc., of the Suspected vehicle were all burnt.

5. The back door of the right side of the Suspected Vehicle was broken. 

6. The outer body of the suspected vehicle was rusty, and the paint was all gone. 

7. The lights of the suspected vehicle such as lights were all destroyed.

8. The body of the suspected vehicle at the back and all the wheels were also destroyed/deformed.

9. On examination of the bonnet area, the engine was found burnt, the oil injector was melted and deformed, the wires in the area were burnt and torn and the battery of the Suspected Vehicle was not found. 

10. The fuel tank of the suspected vehicle was found intact. 

11. The road had burnt/semi-burnt/partially unburnt particles at the spot where the Suspected vehicle caught fire at the crime scene/scene of Incident.

12. No CCTV was found on the road of crime scene.  

Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/Scene of Incident Photography 

The overall, mid-range and close-up photographs of the Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/scene of Incident are taken to capture all the relevant details and condition of both the Suspected Vehicle and Crime Scene/Scene of Incident. 

Forensic Testing and GAS Chromatography 

Gas Chromatography:

Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique used to separate and analyse volatile compounds in a sample. It relies on the principle of partitioning between a stationary phase and a mobile phase to separate the components of a mixture. The stationary phase is typically a high-boiling liquid coated on an inert solid support inside a column, while the mobile phase is a carrier gas such as helium or nitrogen.

Details of Test Performed: The debris was tested for the presence of residue hydrocarbons of accelerant material for the analysis and interpretation of Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Turpentine, Engine oil, etc. 

Objective: To compare the peaks observed in GC testing of samples S1, S2 and S4 to the diesel peaks, Biodiesel peaks, Petrol peaks, Kerosene peaks, Turpentine oil peaks, Engine oil peaks, etc. 

Observation: S1 showed one peak at 1.95 RT whereas the rest of the samples; S2 and S4 did not give any viable peak. The peak detected had an almost negligible are. The result of GC testing is tabulated below: 

Sample No. Name of Identified Compound RT (Retention time) Carbon No.
S1 Diesel remnant 1.95 C-18
S2 Not Detected NIL NIL
S4 Not Detected NIL NIL


Name of diesel Remnant found on the basis of Carbon No. C-18 is Octadecane.  


As such the observation of GC peak at C-18 matching with diesel remnant in S1 in the suspected Vehicle does not significantly pinpoint to an unusual/abnormal circumstance of presence of such diesel remnant at the spot of collection of S1 given the burnt condition of the Suspected Vehicle. 


1. Origin of Fire- Front area of the suspected vehicle.

2. Cause of fire- Inconclusive 



1.Photograph of the Suspected Vehicle showing damages caused due to Fire.

(Left Side)


        2.Photograph of the Suspected Vehicle showing damages caused due to Fire.

(Overall view)




3.Photograph of the Suspected Vehicle showing Internal damages caused due to Fire.


4.Photograph of the Suspected Vehicle showing Internal damages caused due to Fire.


5.Photograph of the crime scene/scene of Incident showing the spot where the Suspected Vehicle caught Fire. 


6. Photograph of the crime scene/scene of Incident showing the spot where the Suspected Vehicle caught Fire. 



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