Practical 10: Decipher Secret Writing


Prepared & presented by- Ayushi Mittal


Objective: To decipher secret writing from surface of paper.


1.      Secret writing samples

2.      Transmitted light chamber

3.      UV chamber

4.      Candle

5.      Lemon juice

6.      Milk

7.      Camera

8.      Gloves


Clandestine writing is any means of written communication where the actual written text is not visible or readable to the naked eye. It is about discovering hidden or hidden writing. Different methods of secret writing can be invisible inks, miniature fonts, which means text written in small letters, latent photographs that are invisible to the naked eye, ciphers and codes. The most common method used in secret writing is invisible inks, other methods are developed over time with technologies that develop in the field of secret writing.

Invisible inks can be sorted into three basic classes:

1. Those exposed to heat

2. Revealed by a chemical reaction

3. And those that are immediately recognizable under ultraviolet light

The nature of inks varies greatly, it can be a simple substance or a complex substance, simple substances such as water, body secretions, fruit juices, soap etc. and complex substances such as chemicals can be used.

In general, invisible inks can be classified as sympathetic inks and organic fluids. . Organic fluids contain many substances, such as lemon juice, sweat, saliva, vinegar, milk, onion juice, urine, which can evolve with heat. These organic fluids change the fibers of the paper and when exposed to heat at a lower temperature, the secret writing turns brown faster than the surrounding paper. On the other hand, a sympathetic ink that contains at least one chemical and requires the use of a specific reagent to be developed.

Invisible ink is a form of steganography, i.e. hiding a message. A secret writing experiment involves dipping a brush in fruit juice or any organic liquid and writing on a piece of blank paper. When the liquid dries, it will be invisible to the naked eye, but if the paper is held against a heat source, it can be hidden. Secret writings written using fruit juices, chemicals and bodily fluids turned brown when heated. This is because these liquids are either acidic or alkaline in nature, which weakens the paper as a result. After the water evaporates from the paper and the liquid dries, the acid or base present in the liquid still remains in the paper. And when the paper is held near a heat source, the part of the paper containing the acidic or basic parts turns brown faster than the rest of the paper, which does not contain any dry liquid containing the acidic or basic part, thus cracking the secret message.


  1. 1.      Two samples were made using milk and lemon juice.
  2. 2.      A sample suspected of containing secret writing was observed under normal light, transmitted light, and photographed.
  3. 3.      The sample was then exposed to heat using a candle.
  4. 4.      Once the writing was completely visible, the heat source was removed and the sample was photographed.


  1. 1.      The sample suspected to contain secret writing was observed under normal light, and transmitted light and photographed.
  2. 2.      The sample was then observed under long UV and short UV light and photographs were taken.
  3. 3.      The sample was then exposed to heat using a candle.
  4. 4.      Once the writings were completely visible the heat source was removed and the sample was photographed.


Sample 1: Write what was seen.

Sample 2: Write what was seen.





The secret writings were successfully deciphered.


1.      Protecting gear must be worn while performing experiments.

2.      The sample must be heated carefully without exposing it to very high temperature.

3.      The UV cabinet must be switched off after use. Direct contact with UV light must be avoided.

4.      The flap of the UV chamber must be closed while using.

5.      Sample paper should not be burned while using candle.

Click here video to watch this practical in video form.

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