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Microphotographs of Cross-section of Azalea stem stained with Safranine dye and Small Cheilosia Male Hoverfly (Magnification 10) |
Recent developments in material sciences have aroused the interest of individuals in this rapidly growing field of photography. In this article we will review about Microphotography and Photomicrography. Though they both sound quite similar, but they are different photographic techniques which are used to observe small objects or images under microscope. These techniques not only contribute in examining fine details of plant or animal specimen but, are also used in Forensic Photography of evidences (trace evidences and physical evidences) and insects (in case of Forensic Entomology). It ultimately leads to Documentation in Crime scene investigation.
Since many years, Biological and Medical sciences have relied majorly on Microscopy for solving various problems involving examination of specimens of organisms, images etc. Also, Microscopy have proven useful in many crime investigation cases. Microphotography is a subfield of photography which involves the magnification of a given image to much higher extent. This image may be of any document, insect, plant specimen etc. Here, the magnification is done by the help of a microscope. This type of photography was first used by John B. Dancer in 1839. He observed a reduction rate of 160:1. Till now many organisms have been studied by microphotography including Penicillin, brine shrimp, and many more other worms. Not only organisms but objects like cotton fibers, bees with pollen, snowflakes have also been microphotographed for educational and recreational purposes.
Photomicrography refers to the simple process of taking magnified photographs of any object, image by the help of a microscope. Opaque objects like stone, metal are photographed in presence of reflected light with a metallurgical microscope. Biological materials and organisms are studied by the help of photomicrography.
Though both the terms appear to be similar, but we should not be confused by their usage. The term Microphotography is also known as “microfilm’’ and it is involved in the reduction of images into small size so that they can easily be studied without any optical assistance. It is more often related to document analysis, as majorly those photographs of documents which cannot be examined without magnification are frequently encountered here. Several factors are kept in mind while selecting any material for microphotography, these are mentioned below:
1. Condition of document
2. Frequency of usage
3. Volume of space occupied
4. Aesthetic and Historic value of document
5. To maintain integrity of document
Photomicrography is the process of taking magnified photographs of any object, image or organism by the help of a microscope. Dissecting microscopes are particularly useful for photomicrography of material sciences samples. It comprises both the techniques of black and white and colour photography. Various biological materials are dyed and mounted on glass slides and are photographed in the presence of ordinary light microscopes. Photomicrography sometimes also includes Cinephotomicrography, which is magnified photographing of motion pictures of live organisms to study their growth, movement.
Visible light microscopy is an invaluable and irreplaceable tool for examination of specimen samples and investigation of biological samples and physical evidences in almost all fields of material sciences. Documentation of evidences play a critical roll in Forensic sciences. Both microphotography and photomicrography prove to be extremely beneficial in current scenario of documentation, as images taken can be photographed to larger extent to check finer details of collected specimen or sample. The microfilm used in microphotography provides much longer preservation than ordinary photographs. This process provides an ease to photographer in capturing image and saving it for future use. He can also capture images of a whole book in a microfilm roll. We can check on nature’s infinite assortment of colours, textures, shapes, patterns by the help of photomicrography. Various organism’s structure like penicillin, wild cucumber, crystal structures of different viruses have also been studied. These techniques have also facilitated reduction in storage space and volume in photography. They are not only economical but time tested methods used nowadays. It is clearly evidented that both these are an important part in reprographic process.
Ms Shalini Sharma
Intern I’d – AFRS_IP2346
M.Sc. Forensic Sciences
Vivekananda Global University