Practical: To study changes in photographs by applying different filters of camera.

Objective: To study changes in photographs by applying different filters of camera.


1. Mobile Phone/ Camera
2. External flash
3. Tripod
4. Batteries
5. SD cards
6. Scale


Forensic Photography is the visual documentation of crime scene by using devices that can capture and save the scenes. It is an important step in crime scene investigation as it preserves the crime scene in its original form that will help investigators to look at the crime scene afterwards.

It helps in determining the exact location of the evidences present in the crime scene and their relative distance with respect to other evidence. Photographs takes at the crime scene helps in reconstructing the crime scene and proper evaluation of crime scene. Mainly, it is done with the help of camera and mobile phones. Forensic photography does not only include photographs, but it also includes videography of the crime scene.

Forensic photography is very different from normal photography as it has specific purpose to capture the images at the crime scene. If photographs are not taken properly, then it will be a difficulty for forensic investigator to know what has happened at the crime scene and what type of crime has occurred.

There are 3 methods to capture photographs at the crime scene- Overview, Middle- Range and close-up photography.

Overall Range covers the complete crime scene. The main purpose of overall range photography is to tell where crime scene is and what is its boundary. It covers the complete area of scene, all the evidences and relationship between the evidence and space.

Middle Range Photography is done to determine the relation of one evidence with respect to other. It can also be done to determine the relation between an evidence and a fixed object. This photography tells about the exact location of evidence.

Close-up Photography is focused on individual evidence to depict the markings, defects and other individual features of the evidence. Generally, 2 close-up photographs are taken- one with the scale and one without scale. The camera should cover the complete evidence in one photograph.
Many filters are used while taking photographs to increase the contrast and to get the pictures more clearly and understandable.


1. Set all the flashlight, tripods and other instrument if required for capturing the photographs.

2. Take out camera or Mobile phones to capture the scene.

3. If proper contrast is not there, one must change the filter to get clear picture.


Photographs with different filters and the model of the camera used for capturing.


Filters can be applied to get more clear pictures of the crime scene for better understanding.

Forensic Significance of Photography:

1. It gives exact view of crime scene.
2. Exact location of evidences is determined.
3. Spatial relationship between evidences and other objects present at the crime scene can be determined.
4. Crime scene can be constructed afterwards with complete details.
It is admissible in court of law and can be used as an evidence.
5. In some of the cases, it store information that cannot be taken up during the investigation process.


1. Focus the camera while taking pictures.
2. Take pictures from the angle where better vision is possible.
3. Do not turn on flashlight if sufficient light is present.

Youtube Video Link : Link

Written By
Ms Shrutika Singla
Joint Secretary of AFRS
Presented By: Ms Shruti Khainar
Volunteer of AFRS

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