Winners of National Level Multidisciplinary Quiz

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to everyone,

Today we are very pleased to announce the winners of NLM Quiz,
Are you ready?

Here are the top three winners who get prize money 

1st Position:
Ms. Blessy B

2nd Position: 
DR. Sagarika Rupainwar

3rd Position: 
Ms. Vanshika Varshney

And here are the complete list of winners of NLM quiz

We would like to congratulate all of the awesome winners of NLM Quiz. We would also like to send our warmest gratitude for all of the participants who have participated in this Quiz.

Last but not least, for you haven't got the chance to be the winner at this time, we truly appreciate your hard work and efforts.

🎊 congratulations 🎊 


Applied Forensic Research Sciences 

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